Guest Speaker – Jeremy Walker

Our third guest speaker will be Jeremy Walker, a Dorset based photographer who is also a Nikon ambassador and well respected in photography circles. He has visited the club as a speaker before during one of his regular working trips to Scotland when he spoke about long exposure techniques.  Some inside information – he loves Jaffa Cakes !

Jeremy Walker Website

Knockout Competition

The now traditional return of our popular Knockout Competition where images of any subject go head to head in a simple knockout format, eventually arriving at a sole winner as voted throughout by a simple show of hands.

Guest Speaker – Andy Hall

Many of you will already know Andy, either from his previous visit to the club or having attended one of his photography workshop days. Andy is always interesting and enlightening and has a great way getting information across, you won’t want to miss him !

Demonstration Workshop – Mini Panel/Portfolio Construction

Another workshop demonstration on how to go about constructing a Mini Panel or Portfolio.  We’ll also be sharing images from the October Challenge and some Outing photographs.  You can also expect to hear the topic for the November/December Challenge.